Car Mold Removal in Orlando

Terrible Car Odor?

Call Us!

(407) 801-6422

Before you know it, a horrible odor can overtake the inside of your car. It can smell like burning trash, and it often gets worse while your car is running. This sort of odor doesn’t leave once you’ve removed the source, it often lingers for a long, long time since it’s soaked into the seats, carpeting, and more.

If you know where the odor is coming from, that’s great! But very often you don’t, and the longer before you remove the source the more permanent the odor becomes.

Store-bought cleaning products won’t cut it.

If you buy odor-removal or mold removal products those can temporarily mask the smell but it won’t last long. You’ll be stuck buying those over and over again indefinitely.

Very often, the source is a deeper mold infection under your hood, under a seat where you can’t see it, or in your trunk. When it heats up (during driving or the hot months of the year) the odor can get even worse. Not only does this smell terrible, it’s extremely bad for you. Mold spores can cause serious lung issues, infections, allergies, and more.

Our car treatments remove bad odor and mold at the root.

With only an hour or two of fogging, mold remediation treatments, and anti-bacterial treatments, we destroy the mold spores that are floating around in your car and kill the growth at its root. After that, we turn to the odor and pull out that disgusting smell at the root so that your car smells just like new.

Your health is at risk if you continue to drive around with a massive mold infection. And you can smell it too!

The EPA recommends you sanitize any indoor air (like car air) at least yearly. This removes bad odors and dangerous mold growth.

In addition to removing terrible odor and mold, we can also disinfect:

  • COVID-19 virus
  • Bacterial buildup
  • Viral infestation
  • Airborne spores and fungus
  • Mold buildup (seen and unseen)
  • Toxic pathogens
  • Micro-organisms

Isn’t it time to make your car smell like new again?

Call Today for a Free Quote!

(407) 801-6422

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